In an emergency, things have to be done quickly. This app was developed so that you dont have to search for the parents numbers for a long time. Three emergency numbers can be recorded for each student. Clicking on the desired number starts the phone app and enters the number. All you have to do is initiate the call and you have a connection.If the “ KlassenNotfall” app is used, it is not necessary to add the parents to the contacts on your cell phone or to look it up in an emergency document. With this app you can concentrate on the actual emergency. Parents are informed quickly and in a user-friendly way.In order to better recognize the numbers, the middle column (phone father) is colored blue.Absolutely no data is collected in the app and the stored numbers are not passed on. Because of the Google data security guidelines, it had to be specified that the telephone number is determined. But this is not the case. The problem is that the app uses phone number formatting because phone numbers are stored.